E-books missing on Amazon.

Weirdly, one of my books has gone missing on Amazon.com! 

It is book 4 in the Daoine Maithe fantasy adventure series by Dan O'Sullivan.

The Fallen is still there and so is The Guardians and Child of a Guardian and of the Free, but the last book in the series, The Free, is gone!

It seems to be on international sites, but not the US.

I cannot find it, no matter what I search on. It is even missing from my Author page.

I have just gone into KDP and republished it, so hopefully it will reappear, but I worry that the 5 star ratings might also disappear. Will soon see, I guess. 

On an up-note, the 4 Book Series as one download is still showing.

It's kind of disappointing when a book just goes missing on Amazon, but it does happen. 

If you are wanting the 4 Book Fantasy Adventure Series, below is the link. It's only $3 for the 4-Book download.

FOUR Book Series - View it Here
