It's a great idea to create a paperback before you create an e-book. There are several advantages to having a paperback.
If you are planning to publish using Kindle Direct Publishing, then Create Space is an easy place to produce paperbacks. You can download templates to correctly size up your covers. You can then upload your interior file, and Create Space has an on-line viewer, where you can flip from page to page and check if everything is placed correctly. If you are not happy, you can go back and edit your work, then upload your updated file.
So it's quite a simple process, and one worthy of consideration.
- You can use this to help with your editing; nothing beats a paper copy.
- You can sell paperbacks as well as e-books through Amazon.
- You can then transform your paperback into an e-book suitable for Kindle using the connection between KDP and Create Space.
and best of all...
- There is nothing quite like holding the paperback version of your book.
If you are planning to publish using Kindle Direct Publishing, then Create Space is an easy place to produce paperbacks. You can download templates to correctly size up your covers. You can then upload your interior file, and Create Space has an on-line viewer, where you can flip from page to page and check if everything is placed correctly. If you are not happy, you can go back and edit your work, then upload your updated file.
So it's quite a simple process, and one worthy of consideration.
Next post will be:
How to create covers for your book for self-publishing
Book 1 - The Fallen
Book 2 - The Guardians
Book 3 - Child of a Guardian and of the Free
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