It is easy
to self-publish and if you use KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) you can do with
very little expense. I’m talking a few hundred dollars max. Over the next few
weeks this blog will cover some of the best/worst strategies for preparing and
self-publishing books.
Edit, Edit
and Re-edit
finished writing your book. Here are some great ways to weed out hidden errors:
Read your
book out loud, with expression!
I really mean it. You will pick up problems where
you have used the same word three times in a paragraph and it starts getting a
little old. “The sheer magnificence of the magnificent structure was magnified
magnificently by the magpies.” You will most likely pick up when you have a
person’s name or town’s name wrong or swapped around. In fact, you will pick up
so many problems this way it’s scary.
Have a
software program read your work back to you.
You can download Natural Reader for free, or
there is also a paid version if you aren’t happy with the default voices. This
is a fantastic way of helping you edit. You will start to hear when a full stop
(a period for the Americans) is missing, when a comma is needed, when the
sentence just sounds wrong. You will hear if you have spelt something wrong and
the spell check didn’t pick it up, like form instead of from, or then instead
of the. This won’t help with too instead of to or two, but that’s why you need
Read a
printed copy!
Don’t kid yourself, you will pick up more in ten
minutes with a printed copy than you find in hours on-screen. If you think this
is not the case, I challenge you to try it. Nothing beats a printed copy.
Overused words?
Ready… aim… FIRE!
Some words
you think will bring impact to a statement actually have the opposite effect.
If your sentence reads, “A very disturbing ripple ran down his spine.” get rid
of the “very” because “A disturbing ripple ran down his spine.” leaves emphasis
on the word disturbing. “very” detracts from the sentence. Severely limit your
use of the following words:
The easiest way to do this is to search and
replace. You need to go word for word as there will be the odd few instances you
decide to leave. Tedious, but necessary.
“-ly” words. Literally, annoyingly, stupidly, uselessly overused words.
I read an article explaining the overuse of these
unnecessary -ly words and I almost didn’t bother to check, confident I would
not have fallen into this trap. Oh dear. When I did a search on some of these
words in my manuscript I almost crashed Word! Well maybe not quite, but it was
close! A lot of editors will insist you eliminate -ly words entirely. Personally, I think there is
room for a few, but very few! Here is how to search for the -ly’s:
ly followed by a space
ly followed by a question mark
ly followed by a comma
ly followed by a full stop (period)
Again, sometimes these are useable, most of the
time they need to go. If your character “began to walk across the room”, just
say “walked across the room”. Unless they are designated to fall flat on their
face and fail to reach the other side of the room, in which case “began” to is
- Start to
- Started to
- Starting to
- Began to
- Begin to
- Beginning to
Here are some other
suggestions to look out for.
Either use them REALLY
sparingly or not at all.
- in -
followed by an emotion. For example, in
disgust, in fright. Your character’s behaviour should show if they are
disgusted or frightened. For example: She leapt backwards and screamed in
fright. Just – She leapt backwards and screamed.
- with -
followed by with an emotion. Ex: with
- looked/looks - followed
by an emotion. Ex: looked
Using too many words
too many times to say too many things.
Or better worded:
“The little
dog that was lying on top of the
blanket…” could have been “The little dog lying on the blanket…”
Words that emphasise something the reader should have
picked up on can usually be deleted.
- Clearly. If
the person in the book finds the matter “clear”, the reader will have no
trouble working this out, so scrap the word.
- Obviously (obviously!)
Everyone has their
own list of words they use a lot.
Again, if
you think this is not the case, don’t kid yourself. You can download programs to
search your entire manuscript for how many times you have used each word or
It’s just, the
first time I did this, I just nearly just feinted just at the number of justs I
had just added to just about every page.
Do a word
search on some of these, but sit down first in case shock sets in.
- Just
- Really
- Very
- That
- Then
- Gasp
- Gasped
- Swallow
- Swallowed
- Shook his/her head
- Nodded his/her head.
- Smile
- Whisper
- Whispered
- Laugh
Search the
internet for articles showing lists of overused words.
Search. Make
changes. Search and replace, or search and delete. This is going to take quite
some time, but it is worth it. Your book is worth it. Once you are done, read
it aloud again. Have Natural Reader read it aloud to you. Get another printed
copy and read it again. Edit and make changes until you have made a number of
passes without wanting to change a single word.
This is a
very tedious process, but I say again, your book is worth it. Happy editing!
Next blog will be about:
Create Space – Create a paperback before you create an e-book
Get Dan O'Sullivan's Trilogy on Amazon
Book 1 - The Fallen
Book 2 - The Guardians
Book 3 - Child of a Guardian and of the Free
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